Hey everybody! My name is Marina. I have a blog with my english class and on my blog, I have written opinions, facts, stories, etc. Enjoy!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Outline for Rough Draft

What is the question you are answering in your own words?
Compare two books that we have read in class this year. You should be comparing the themes in both books. It should be 3-5 pages in length.

What is your thesis statement? This sets up the entire paper with your focus and direction.
The Catcher in the Rye and The Body of Christopher Creed portray how being a teenager can probably be the most difficult time in your life. They have to deal with so many pressures and issues that are thrown at them; if teenagers can’t handle these problems, they feel as though running away is the answer.

What is the topic/idea of this paragraph?
Being a teenager can be the most difficult time in your life
What quote(s) ideas from research will you use to help prove your points?
a. “But, in reality, these girls are bravely struggling to find their way to a normal life.”

b. "If you'd asked me three months ago where she is, I would have said maybe Somerville," Magaw said. "But, I have no idea. We've been to Somerville, traced her tracks over there, put up fliers, and nothing."
What example(s) from the book(s) will you use to help prove your points?
a. In the Body of Christopher Creed, Christopher Creed’s mother did not know anything about him. She thought that she did, and when she realized she had no idea, she resulted to trying to find his diary to find out where he was. Your mother can always get in your way and sometimes you just need some time alone, especially if you are a teenager.

b. Holden really wanted to start over. He wanted to get rid of the whole “rich kid” theme is his life. Running away seemed like the only answer.

What is the topic/idea of this paragraph?
Teenagers have to deal with so many pressures and issues in society. They may not be able to handle it and choose running away as the answer
What quote(s) ideas from research will you use to help prove your points?
a. “Teenagers are under a lot of pressure to succeed and fit in. Many spend a lot of time worrying about what others think that they desperately try to conform to society’s unattainable “ideal” body image.

b. “Being a teenager is not easy and there are many pressures that they face daily.

What example(s) from the book(s) will you use to help prove your points?
a. Christopher Creed always used to get made fun of. He did not fit the social image of a “popular” person. These pressures by society might be what caused him to run away.

b. Holden was constantly pressured by his teaches to do well is school. Holden finally got sick of it and he decided to run away from his school.

What is the topic/idea of this paragraph?
Dealing with a troubled household can be a major reason why a teenager would run away. Their parents may pressure them and that can be a lot to handle.
What quote(s) ideas from research will you use to help prove your points?
a. One could be that they are having “family problems, emotional abuse, neglect, drugs, the death of a parent, or school issues.”

b. “My little brother and I were constantly physically and emotionally abused by my father. I’d try and take my brothers whippings for him so he wouldn’t get hurts,” Chelsea says.

What example(s) from the book(s) will you use to help prove your points?
a. Holden didn’t run away from a pressures household as oppose to a pressured school; he went to a boarding school.

b. Christopher Creed ran away from his house because of his mother. Imagine you were a teenager and your mother always volunteered at school and at dances; she was always around. How would you react? Creed was never the “popular” person to begin with, and his mother being there gave the kids another reason to make fun of him.

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