What is the question you are answering in your own words?
Compare two books that we have read in class this year. You should be comparing the themes in both books. It should be 3-5 pages in length.
What is your thesis statement? This sets up the entire paper with your focus and direction.
The Catcher in the Rye and The Body of Christopher Creed portray how being a teenager can probably be the most difficult time in your life. They have to deal with so many pressures and issues that are thrown at them; if teenagers can’t handle these problems, they feel as though running away is the answer.
What is the topic/idea of this paragraph?
Being a teenager can be the most difficult time in your life
What quote(s) ideas from research will you use to help prove your points?
a. “But, in reality, these girls are bravely struggling to find their way to a normal life.”
b. "If you'd asked me three months ago where she is, I would have said maybe Somerville," Magaw said. "But, I have no idea. We've been to Somerville, traced her tracks over there, put up fliers, and nothing."
What example(s) from the book(s) will you use to help prove your points?
a. In the Body of Christopher Creed, Christopher Creed’s mother did not know anything about him. She thought that she did, and when she realized she had no idea, she resulted to trying to find his diary to find out where he was. Your mother can always get in your way and sometimes you just need some time alone, especially if you are a teenager.
b. Holden really wanted to start over. He wanted to get rid of the whole “rich kid” theme is his life. Running away seemed like the only answer.
What is the topic/idea of this paragraph?
Teenagers have to deal with so many pressures and issues in society. They may not be able to handle it and choose running away as the answer
What quote(s) ideas from research will you use to help prove your points?
a. “Teenagers are under a lot of pressure to succeed and fit in. Many spend a lot of time worrying about what others think that they desperately try to conform to society’s unattainable “ideal” body image.
b. “Being a teenager is not easy and there are many pressures that they face daily.
What example(s) from the book(s) will you use to help prove your points?
a. Christopher Creed always used to get made fun of. He did not fit the social image of a “popular” person. These pressures by society might be what caused him to run away.
b. Holden was constantly pressured by his teaches to do well is school. Holden finally got sick of it and he decided to run away from his school.
What is the topic/idea of this paragraph?
Dealing with a troubled household can be a major reason why a teenager would run away. Their parents may pressure them and that can be a lot to handle.
What quote(s) ideas from research will you use to help prove your points?
a. One could be that they are having “family problems, emotional abuse, neglect, drugs, the death of a parent, or school issues.”
b. “My little brother and I were constantly physically and emotionally abused by my father. I’d try and take my brothers whippings for him so he wouldn’t get hurts,” Chelsea says.
What example(s) from the book(s) will you use to help prove your points?
a. Holden didn’t run away from a pressures household as oppose to a pressured school; he went to a boarding school.
b. Christopher Creed ran away from his house because of his mother. Imagine you were a teenager and your mother always volunteered at school and at dances; she was always around. How would you react? Creed was never the “popular” person to begin with, and his mother being there gave the kids another reason to make fun of him.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Cornell Notes for Third Source
TITLE: Little girls L O S T
AUTHOR: Sandy Fertman Ryan
Girls feel like that have no other choice but to run away from home and become a prostitute when in horrible situations. There are many reasons a teen might run away. One could be that they are having “family problems, emotional abuse, neglect, drugs, the death of a parent, or school issues.”
“But, in reality, these girls are bravely struggling to find their way to a normal life.”
The problem with runaways is that the teenager or child might end up in vulnerable places. Places were predators “hunt for their pray.”
“That, along with the really low self-esteem it causes, creates the “perfect storm” for a girl to become vulnerable.”
Another reason that children might run away is because they are living in a troubled home. For one girl, Chelsea, explained that her “extremely violent home life was the reason she ended up on the streets.”
“My little brother and I were constantly physically and emotionally abused by my father. I’d try and take my brothers whippings for him so he wouldn’t get hurts,” Chelsea says.
AUTHOR: Sandy Fertman Ryan
Girls feel like that have no other choice but to run away from home and become a prostitute when in horrible situations. There are many reasons a teen might run away. One could be that they are having “family problems, emotional abuse, neglect, drugs, the death of a parent, or school issues.”
“But, in reality, these girls are bravely struggling to find their way to a normal life.”
The problem with runaways is that the teenager or child might end up in vulnerable places. Places were predators “hunt for their pray.”
“That, along with the really low self-esteem it causes, creates the “perfect storm” for a girl to become vulnerable.”
Another reason that children might run away is because they are living in a troubled home. For one girl, Chelsea, explained that her “extremely violent home life was the reason she ended up on the streets.”
“My little brother and I were constantly physically and emotionally abused by my father. I’d try and take my brothers whippings for him so he wouldn’t get hurts,” Chelsea says.
Cornell Notes for Second Source
TITLE: Teenagers
AUTHOR: Colleen Thompson
Some teenagers get through that time period in their life very smoothly and completely fine, while others have a very hard time adjusting. Neither teenagers nor anyone should care about what other people think of them because it can also lead to a decrease in their self-confidence. All of these things can add up to why a teenager who run away.
“Teenagers are under a lot of pressure to succeed and fit in. Many spend a lot of time worrying about what others think that they desperately try to conform to society’s unattainable “ideal” body image.
Teenagers feel like if they cannot handle the pressures of life, then running away is the answer. With all of the pressures being thrown at them every day, they might just want to get away from it all; here is where running away would come into place.
“Being a teenager is not easy and there are many pressures that they face daily.”
AUTHOR: Colleen Thompson
Some teenagers get through that time period in their life very smoothly and completely fine, while others have a very hard time adjusting. Neither teenagers nor anyone should care about what other people think of them because it can also lead to a decrease in their self-confidence. All of these things can add up to why a teenager who run away.
“Teenagers are under a lot of pressure to succeed and fit in. Many spend a lot of time worrying about what others think that they desperately try to conform to society’s unattainable “ideal” body image.
Teenagers feel like if they cannot handle the pressures of life, then running away is the answer. With all of the pressures being thrown at them every day, they might just want to get away from it all; here is where running away would come into place.
“Being a teenager is not easy and there are many pressures that they face daily.”
Cornell Notes for first Source
TITLE: Mother's Ache for Lost Teen
AUTHOR: Adrian Walker
Andrea Tadsha Magaw went missing on August 18th and hasn’t been found since. Andrea usually takes off a lot and has joined a society for teenage runaways. Unfortunately, Andrea has to take medicine for her mood disorder issue. If she does not take her medicine, then “she’ll go off and not know enough to come back.” This article depicts the difficulty that parents go through when their children run away. It shows what how parents feel about the situation.
“Like a lot of troubled teenagers she's 16 she had taken off before.”
It is every parent’s worst nightmare finding out that his or her child is hurt in some way or another. Whether it is running away; physical injuries; or even death.
"It would be any parent's nightmare. ' "I worry that somebody's taking advantage of her and she's allowing it to happen, because she doesn't know the difference," Magaw said, her voice breaking. "And my biggest fear is that I'll get a phone call or a knock on the door, and they'll tell me she's gone." '
It is really horrible if your parents don’t even know you well enough to tell the police department where you might go if you were to run away. It is every parents job to know where their child is at all times and to know their child very well; to be close with their child.
"If you'd asked me three months ago where she is, I would have said maybe Somerville," Magaw said. "But, I have no idea. We've been to Somerville, traced her tracks over there, put up fliers, and nothing."
AUTHOR: Adrian Walker
Andrea Tadsha Magaw went missing on August 18th and hasn’t been found since. Andrea usually takes off a lot and has joined a society for teenage runaways. Unfortunately, Andrea has to take medicine for her mood disorder issue. If she does not take her medicine, then “she’ll go off and not know enough to come back.” This article depicts the difficulty that parents go through when their children run away. It shows what how parents feel about the situation.
“Like a lot of troubled teenagers she's 16 she had taken off before.”
It is every parent’s worst nightmare finding out that his or her child is hurt in some way or another. Whether it is running away; physical injuries; or even death.
"It would be any parent's nightmare. ' "I worry that somebody's taking advantage of her and she's allowing it to happen, because she doesn't know the difference," Magaw said, her voice breaking. "And my biggest fear is that I'll get a phone call or a knock on the door, and they'll tell me she's gone." '
It is really horrible if your parents don’t even know you well enough to tell the police department where you might go if you were to run away. It is every parents job to know where their child is at all times and to know their child very well; to be close with their child.
"If you'd asked me three months ago where she is, I would have said maybe Somerville," Magaw said. "But, I have no idea. We've been to Somerville, traced her tracks over there, put up fliers, and nothing."
Sources for english final assessment
This article is about how a mother was terrified because her child ran away.
-Proquest Full-Text National Newspapers
This source discusses the things that teenagers go through at a certain point. Whether it is trying to fit in or trying to be normal.
The sources talks about the problem of runaway teenage girls that eventually become prostitutes to make a living.
This source explains how the child welfare advocates created a home for teenage runaways where they can talk to people to help solve their problems and issues they may be having
This source discusses homeless teens and how they move from their friends home to another friends home often. It states how many homeless teens are either kicked out or run away from their homes.
This article is about how a mother was terrified because her child ran away.
-Proquest Full-Text National Newspapers
This source discusses the things that teenagers go through at a certain point. Whether it is trying to fit in or trying to be normal.
The sources talks about the problem of runaway teenage girls that eventually become prostitutes to make a living.
This source explains how the child welfare advocates created a home for teenage runaways where they can talk to people to help solve their problems and issues they may be having
This source discusses homeless teens and how they move from their friends home to another friends home often. It states how many homeless teens are either kicked out or run away from their homes.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Socratic Seminar
Hey guys, here is another great post on the socratic seminar that we had in our english class:
I agree that the book is starting to pick up relating to plot, but it was pretty slow in the beginning
I agree with the fact that he should turn Wesley in but it must be the hardest decision to make. It is a family member and he is sending him to jail. I think it is different in their case though. Frank and Wesley never got along so I can’t relate to them. I get along with my brother and I would never send him to prison; however, if I didn’t get along with my brother, maybe it would do him some good
I agree with Erick that all the books in our curriculum are slow in the beginning, but you just have to keep reading and wait it out and then you will realize that the book is worth reading
I think that a major image would be the gun. In the beginning, David explained the gun into major detail, so I expected something big will happen having to do with the gun and something did. David is like 12 and he shot the gun. He was shooting birds.
I agree that the book is starting to pick up relating to plot, but it was pretty slow in the beginning
I agree with the fact that he should turn Wesley in but it must be the hardest decision to make. It is a family member and he is sending him to jail. I think it is different in their case though. Frank and Wesley never got along so I can’t relate to them. I get along with my brother and I would never send him to prison; however, if I didn’t get along with my brother, maybe it would do him some good
I agree with Erick that all the books in our curriculum are slow in the beginning, but you just have to keep reading and wait it out and then you will realize that the book is worth reading
I think that a major image would be the gun. In the beginning, David explained the gun into major detail, so I expected something big will happen having to do with the gun and something did. David is like 12 and he shot the gun. He was shooting birds.
Montana 1948!
What are the major themes in Montana 1948?
One of the main themes in Montana 1948 is sibling rivalry. The novel illustrates how sibling rivalry can result in problems among the family members. For example, when Uncle Frank came over to the house, Wesley knew that something was going to go wrong because he and his brother never got along. “Brothers naturally invite comparison, and when comparisons were made between those two, my father was bound to suffer.” (Montana 1948) Frank was always the favored child in the family; therefore, Wesley hated whenever he was compared to him. Wesley had good looks; however, Frank had good looks, a built body, and athletic ability that Wesley never had. The tension between the brothers was carried through the years even up to when they were adults. This demonstrates how sibling rivalry can become a large problem within families.
Sibling rivalry is prevalent in all ages. What are tactics to stop sibling rivalry? Are those tactics seen in our literature?
Sibling rivalry can result in problems among family members; however, there are ways to control it. One way to control is to not let the situation get out of hand. Siblings should make sure that no one would get angry to a point where they can’t control the outcome. Another way to deal with the rivalry is to remember that they are family and the only family you have. It is not worth it to fight when you love each other. For example, “Genevieve and I are brother and sister, so most of the time we try to do our best and work things out,” says Max. (as stated in Henry, 2008) The novel, Montana 1948, illustrates how sibling rivalry can result in problems among the family members. For example, when Uncle Frank came over to the house, Wesley knew that something was going to go wrong because he and his brother never got along. “Brothers naturally invite comparison, and when comparisons were made between those two, my father was bound to suffer.” (Montana 1948) Frank was always the favored child in the family; therefore, Wesley hated whenever he was compared to him. Wesley had good looks; however, Frank had good looks, a built body, and athletic ability that Wesley never had. Even though they used to compete with each other, they eventually grew out of it. They used the tactic of outgrowing jealousy and developing maturity when it came to those kinds of things.
One of the main themes in Montana 1948 is sibling rivalry. The novel illustrates how sibling rivalry can result in problems among the family members. For example, when Uncle Frank came over to the house, Wesley knew that something was going to go wrong because he and his brother never got along. “Brothers naturally invite comparison, and when comparisons were made between those two, my father was bound to suffer.” (Montana 1948) Frank was always the favored child in the family; therefore, Wesley hated whenever he was compared to him. Wesley had good looks; however, Frank had good looks, a built body, and athletic ability that Wesley never had. The tension between the brothers was carried through the years even up to when they were adults. This demonstrates how sibling rivalry can become a large problem within families.
Sibling rivalry is prevalent in all ages. What are tactics to stop sibling rivalry? Are those tactics seen in our literature?
Sibling rivalry can result in problems among family members; however, there are ways to control it. One way to control is to not let the situation get out of hand. Siblings should make sure that no one would get angry to a point where they can’t control the outcome. Another way to deal with the rivalry is to remember that they are family and the only family you have. It is not worth it to fight when you love each other. For example, “Genevieve and I are brother and sister, so most of the time we try to do our best and work things out,” says Max. (as stated in Henry, 2008) The novel, Montana 1948, illustrates how sibling rivalry can result in problems among the family members. For example, when Uncle Frank came over to the house, Wesley knew that something was going to go wrong because he and his brother never got along. “Brothers naturally invite comparison, and when comparisons were made between those two, my father was bound to suffer.” (Montana 1948) Frank was always the favored child in the family; therefore, Wesley hated whenever he was compared to him. Wesley had good looks; however, Frank had good looks, a built body, and athletic ability that Wesley never had. Even though they used to compete with each other, they eventually grew out of it. They used the tactic of outgrowing jealousy and developing maturity when it came to those kinds of things.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Yay, my annotated bibliography for the article on Native Americans!
Grant, Steve. "Images In Stone: All Over New England Native Americans Left Clues
Called Petroglyphs." 27 Apr. 2008. Newspaper Source. EBSCO. Pascack Hills
HS Lib., Montvale NJ. 29 Apr. 2008 . In
this article, Steve Grant talks about how Native Americans left symbols and
clues for people today. The rock carvings done by Native Americans were the
"closest thing to the written word." Grant explains how he made
his way by the Connecticut River near Bellow Falls, Vermont. He finds
petroglyphs and explains deciphering them. The author discusses how the
symbols represent something very important in our history, unlike the
e-mails and text messages we use today. "He says a petroglyph is a
window into a long-ago culture." Grant explains how Edward J. Lenik,
archeologist from New Jersey, believes that petroglyphs are amazing to tell
Native Americans thoughts and beliefs.
Grant, Steve. "Images In Stone: All Over New England Native Americans Left Clues
Called Petroglyphs." 27 Apr. 2008. Newspaper Source. EBSCO. Pascack Hills
HS Lib., Montvale NJ. 29 Apr. 2008
this article, Steve Grant talks about how Native Americans left symbols and
clues for people today. The rock carvings done by Native Americans were the
"closest thing to the written word." Grant explains how he made
his way by the Connecticut River near Bellow Falls, Vermont. He finds
petroglyphs and explains deciphering them. The author discusses how the
symbols represent something very important in our history, unlike the
e-mails and text messages we use today. "He says a petroglyph is a
window into a long-ago culture." Grant explains how Edward J. Lenik,
archeologist from New Jersey, believes that petroglyphs are amazing to tell
Native Americans thoughts and beliefs.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Hi everyone. Today, this post is about guilt. Guilt can mess with a person's mind. I know it has messed with mine. An example of someone who did something terrible and felt guilty about would be a character on the hit TV show One Tree Hill. In season 3, he killed his brother before he even knew whether his brother was responsible for what had happened to Dan. Well...Dan started to feel so guilty that he killed his own brother. Some people, (other characters on the show), found out that he killed him, but didn't say anthing to the police because they didn't have proof, but because Dan felt so guilty for what he did, he turned himself in! He would rather be in jail for years and years then live his life in pure guilt and regret. Guilt has also played tricks on me. When I was six years old, I broke my mom's favortie vase, which was her great-grandmother's. (meaning it was very important to her.) I took the vase and put it back together with a glue stick, (I was six, what do you expect), and I put it back where is was. I didn't tell my mom or anyone for that matter. After a couple of days, I started to feel so guilty for what I did and how my upset my mom would be if she found it like that instead of me telling her. I knew she would want me to be honest. I finally couldn't take it anymore, so I told her the truth.
In the shakespeare play Macbeth, Lady Macbeth started to feel very guilty after forcing her husband to kill King Duncan and the other people he killed. It actually came to the point where she began to sleep-walk and dream about the blood on her hands from the murder scene. The plot drastically changed when she was found dead. She most likely commited suicide though we are not know for sure. But if she did commit suicide, it was because of the guilt the murders were putting on her.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Hello world. Time for another intellectual, yet interesting post. I believe in feminism. In today's world, feminism is important to many other women as well; however, it is not as big an issue as it was in the late 1900's. The article that I read stated that many of the battles for women's rights that they were fighting for, have already been won (Is Feminism Dead?, 2000). But the real question is do women get treated equally even though those battles have been won? The answer or should I say answers would be yes and no. Women do get treated equally in some cases, such as when it comes to jobs. An example of that would be one of the candidates in the upcoming presidential election, Hilary Clinton; she has this amazing job in which many men and women would love to have. However, when it comes to cleaning and cooking, all of a sudden we have to throw the apron on. This is a reason why many women were fighting for equality. Who says women have to be the ones to do everything around the house? There are many women in the world who are great role models for young girls and women. One great role model would be Avril Lavigne. She is one of the few celebrities who you never hear about in the daily tabloids. She keeps her personal life to herself, unlike many other people such as Paris Hilton and Britney Spears. Avril also worked hard to get where she is today. She worked amazingly hard and today she is happily married and has a great career. I think that Lady Macbeth is a good role model because she is a strong person and stands for what she thinks is right. She also influences people more than other women would especially in that time period.
Hey everyone! Today in class, we had a Socratic Seminar, which is where we talk all together about the book that we are currently reading. In today’s seminar we first talked about Lady Macbeth and whether she is a good role model or not. I agree that Lady Macbeth is a good role model because she is a strong person and she influences other people more than other women would in that time period
I think that Paris Hilton is a good role model regarding feminism and “girl power;” however, the things that she does are very influencing and not in a good way. She does very stupid things. She does believe in being equal when it comes to men and women, which I agree with.
I agree with the fact that a good role model in today’s world would be anyone who has worked for what they have today and didn’t get it handed to them. I agree that they should have accomplishments that brought them where they are today as well.
I sort of feel bad for Macbeth. I agree with Taylor that he was manipulated into doing the things he did such as the murders. I do agree with Ed as well because everything he did was his fault; he could have said no to Lady Macbeth and not done the things he did.
I would not want to know my future because if I didn’t like it, it would try to change it. I agree with Brian because if someone told me when I was going to die, I would be living my entire life in fear of that day.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Hey everyone. I'm back with another awesome post. Do good people do bad things? This is an amazing question; however, it makes you think. Britney Spears is an example of someone who made some...ok a lot of bad choices in her life and she screwed herself over because of it. She started doing drugs and then she went and got herself pregnant. It was mostly stress that brought her to do the drugs. I'm not really sure what exactly she was thinking when she met Kevin Federline though. I think that stress is a big reason why people, not only Britney, do drugs. It, temporarily, takes the pain away.
Now to Macbeth once again. Macbeth did make some pretty bad choices so far. For starters, he killed the king...the king! The main reason that Macbeth changed as a good person to make this decision was because of his wife. Lady Macbeth is a pretty intimidating person. She called her husband a coward and said that he was too weak to do this "deed." Being called a wimp by a girl is harsh, and Macbeth was called a coward by his wife! He wanted to prove that he could accomplish this. He reason was justifiable. He wanted to become stronger mentally like his wife.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Hey guys! Today I’m going to talk to you about the importance of introductions in movies and books. Introductions tell you what the rest of the movie or book is going to about. They are extremely important because of many reasons. First, you cannot have a boring introduction because no one will want to keep watching nor reading. Another is that you have to make sure that your information in your is very straight forward and not confusing; it conveys what will happen in the future in the book or movie. One example of a movie that has a great introduction is Sicko. This movie is a documentary and it is made to portray the major health issues around the world. The introduction reveals the problems with insurance companies not giving any support or help to the people. This is a great introduction because it shows what the rest of the movie is going to be about. Almost all of Michael Moore movies are great and have great introductions.
Now onto Macbeth. There are many things going on in the first five acts. There seems to be some mysterious and curious comments that Macbeth is making. He is wondering whether or not he should kill King Duncan to become king or if he should not listen to the witches. There also to be a theme of power among the women in this act. Lady Macbeth seems as though she is a stronger person, mentally, than Macbeth.
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